Learn How To Speak So Your Family Member
Or Friend In A Cult Actually Listens
Do you think you have a family member or friend in a cult?
You have noticed that their beliefs and behaviors have changed and their whole life is beginning to revolve around the group to the detriment of their own life. They are spending less and less time with their family and friends.
And despite the fact that they claim to be happy, they are spending more and more time with the group, giving money to the group (in the form of buying products or going to more and more expensive courses) or even working for free.
Or perhaps you don't even know where to start!
When you bring up the conversation about how they have changed, or about the group, they try to convince you of the benefits of the group, how their life has been made so much better and you should come along to a meeting or seminar, too!
Or they get defensive, saying that you don't understand and they refuse to continue the conversation.
(A cult can be a group of 2. A 'cultic relationship' is one where the boyfriend or girlfriend is a narcissist or a psychopath. In a group of 2, all the attention is directed towards one victim instead of many.)
There are certain things that you have to understand in order to deal with a family member or friend in a cult. Or rather, their pseudopersonality. Because that's what cults basically do. They superimpose a pseudo-personality on the individual that dominates the real personality.
This new pseudopersonality may have very different ideas and values than the real person. That's why so many people say of cult members 'They are not the same person. They're not who they used to be!'
If you don't understand pseudopersonalities, you risk pushing the family member/friend in a cult even deeper into the doctrine of the cult and further away from those who actually love and care for them.
I was in an intimate relationship with a psychopath and was left broke and homeless with no contact with my family.
Then I was recruited into a personal development cult who offered me a way out of the pain and suffering of the 'failed' marriage. The pseudopersonality I developed was so good that I became the number 2 in the group, working closely with the leader, giving courses and mentoring others. I was very good at using the mind control techniques to recruit new members.
Eventually I could take no more of the lies, deception and poor treatment and I left. Shortly afterwards, I realized that I had been in a cult and I worked with a psychologist to undo the mind control.
I now work with people who are leaving cults or relationships/marriages where there was destructive mind control used.
Having been on both sides of the fence, so to speak, gives me a unique perspective and allows me to understand what your family member or friend in a cult will be going through.
The best way to help a friend in a cult to start thinking for themselves is to learn yourself how mind control and cults work so that you can talk to them in such a way that they are willing to listen.
And it's useful to learn to listen so that they feel comfortable talking to you about their doubts and fears about the group.
How do you do that?
This is what the Mind Control Manual is about. It is written to help you understand what mind control is, how it works, and what goes on in the mind of your friend in a cult. It outlines the tactics used by psychopaths and narcissists to build relationships with new members and then trick them into joining the cult or into starting an intimate relationship.
The Mind Control Manual explains how control is wielded over your friend in a cult and the particular psychological processes used. These are often normal everyday 'rules' of society, but they are abused by the psychopathic cult leaders for their own personal gain.
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If you have a friend in a cult, you will know that they do not believe they have been brainwashed or manipulated. They know that nobody has held a gun to their head or forced them to do anything.
What most people don't know is that mind control can be even more powerful than a gun to the head because the victim believes that the person doing the manipulation is actually a friend, or a lover, or a teacher, who seems to be caring and honest.
You family member or friend in a cult will also not be able to see that they have not joined the cult, but that they were recruited. Nor that there were lies, deception and trickery used to recruit them.
The Mind Control Manual also explains in detail how pseudo-personalities are created by destructive cults. This is a vital aspect in order to understand how cults work and how to deal with a family member or friend in a cult, as well as those in abusive relationships.
This pseudopersonality is designed to protect itself. Any criticism of the 'new person', 'the new me', the group or the leader is not tolerated. Your friend in a cult may refuse to listen to any negative stuff, or more commonly, they fight back. They defend what they are doing as well as the ideas of the group, and most of all, they defend the leader.
They may sound like a recording, repeating words, phrases and arguments they have learnt in the group. These phrases are used to counter any objections outsiders have about the group and are often so vague it is difficult to argue against them.
When a family member or friend in a cult insists that 'you don't understand because you have not been to a group meeting', or that 'you are closed to new ideas', it is absolutely no use trying to deal with these arguments. You are going to lose.
Cult members learn 'thought-stopping' techniques such as chanting, praying, tricks to change the topic of conversation etc. so they do not have to listen to criticism of the group or leader. These can be very frustrating because it means there is no way to get through to the member if you don't know how to deal with them. The Mind Control Manual will give you ideas for dealing with these things.
Your family member or friend in a cult may be quite aggressive in attacking the person doing the criticism. This is because cults typically 'teach' that outsiders are wrong, bad, dangerous, stupid, sinners or mad and that they are to blame for the ills of the world.
It can be very difficult for parents or friends when a cult member starts to treat them as inferior in some way, or unimportant, or even as an enemy!
Dealing with these beliefs can be very tricky but it is very important because they can be very powerful.
Cults also install phobias in the members, phobias about leaving the group, phobias in relation to the outside world and even phobias about their friends and families. Typically your family member/friend in a cult will not even be aware that they have developed a phobia but it continues working outside of their awareness.
This makes it all the more powerful and at the same time more difficult to deal with if you are not on the lookout for such things.
It may often seem that the more you press your friend in a cult the harder they push back. They won't allow you to criticize or even say anything negative about the group or the leader. They just keep insisting that you don't know him or her and until you have the experience you don't know what you are talking about.
Cult members will refuse to accept they are victims. After all, no-one has held a gun to their head or forced them to do anything. Therefore they reason that they have been making their own decisions, they have been choosing freely. How this works is explained in depth in the Mind Control Manual.
And on top of that, if you insist that the person they consider a friend or helper or savior is the one taking advantage of them, then you are the one who has lost the plot. You are the one who doesn't understand the whole picture. You are the one that is mistaken!
All this can be exasperating and exhausting. Many families feel that if they keep pushing that their loved one will actually leave the house and not come back. Or if the family member in a cult comes to visit once or twice a month, the family is afraid to voice their fears in case the cult member stops visiting.
The Mind Control Manual has 4 sections, one about mind control, one about cults and sects, one about psychopaths and the last about how to protect yourself as well as specific ideas about dealing with a family member or friend in a cult.
The first part has chapters on:
The next section has chapters on
The third section covers
And last but not least the Mind Control Manual has chapters on the following topics:
Ok, I have a friend in a cult and
I want to buy the Mind Control Manual now!
Having read the Mind Control Manual you will have a much richer understanding of how cults recruit their members, how they systematically change the personality and beliefs of the members and more importantly, you will have a different perspective on why your friend in a cult is acting, thinking and talking the way they do.
It may seem bizarre, weird and even ridiculous that cult members can believe the things they do, but if you have a family member or friend in a cult, you will have witnessed the changes in them.
But armed with this new information in the Mind Control Manual, you will be able to approach them from different angles in order to establish communication with them so that they begin to listen to you again.
This is the first step in leading them out of the destructive group.
Their reality has been changed and narrowed tremendously, but they cannot understand that. It is one of the contradictions of cults that they believe they are learning new and important things that can potentially change the world ('if only everyone knew about this!!') while the reality is that they are living in an ever decreasing world.
And no amount of pointing out these contradictions seems to work with cult members because they have been programmed to accept these contradictions as acceptable, and they often have answers to justify them!
When a mind control victim understands the mechanism of mind control, and realizes what was done to them, how it was done, and the motivations behind the manipulator, then the mind control no longer has a hold over them…
But getting to this point with a family member or friend in a cult can be very difficult, because the new personality has been programmed to defend itself, to ignore anyone who speaks out about against the group or the leader or even to aggressively defend the group.
They cannot see that they have been manipulated and influenced. They don't realize the profundity of the effects they have been subjected to.
This occurs for several reasons. First of all, they believe the group is helping them, the leader is benevolent and generous and is looking after them.
Secondly, the changes often occur one step at a time, and while to outsiders the changes may seem radical, to your friend in a cult they seem normal and natural. And thirdly, the cult members believe that they are making their own decisions and choosing for themselves.
The Mind Control Manual will also teach you the signs and signals to look out for to spot mind control before you or your family get caught up in the web of lies and deceit. You will become more aware of many methods of manipulation and persuasion.
Some of these methods are normal, everyday patterns of interaction and often they help to keep society running smoothly and safely. Used maliciously, with the intention of dominating others, they can be very dangerous, brutal and cruel.
You will also become familiar with the characteristics of psychopaths. People often think 'serial killer' when they hear the word psychopath, but this is a mistake. A psychopath is someone who does not have a conscience. They never feel guilt, remorse, embarrassment and they are incapable of love. The implications of this are explained in detail in the Mind Control Manual.
Because between 1 and 4% of the population are psychopaths, it is very likely that you already know somebody who is a psychopath but you just didn't recognize it because you had a different idea of what a psychopath is!
Much more in fact. There are lots of books out there about cults, or about psychopaths, or about cults and mind control, but none about all three subjects. The Mind Control Manual gives you details about each topic and specifically, how they are all interconnected, whether it is a cult of 2 people, the psychopath and the victim, or whether it is a larger cultic group.
I always thought if somebody is an a**hole and takes advantage and manipulates you that it would be easy to tell them to get lost… until I found myself in that situation.
It took a lot more effort than I thought to detach myself from it.
I spent the entire day reading the manual. I think it is put together very well and is clear and easy to understand. As a whole I thought it was brilliant… a real eye opener!! I didn't realize the consequences were so destructive.
The Mind Control Manual cleared up lots of questions I had… like why and how they do it etc.
I now know how to spot the traits in people and groups so as not to get trapped. I also know how to deal with these sort of people in everyday life, if and when I have to.
Steven, Australia
Unfortunately, by the time most people learn about cults it's because they have a family member or friend in a cult who has been deceived into joining the group, or they are in or leaving a cult themselves, and they need to find information.
If you think you have a family member or friend in a cult, do something about it now!
When people leave cults one of the biggest upsets is that they have lost months or years of their lives. Time is something we cannot get back. Once it is gone, it is gone forever.
People in cults are trained to believe that they are happy, and will often say they have never been happier. When they undo the mind control, they realize that it was all false and the time in the cult was a complete waste of their time.
Thinking that they are adults and made their own decisions is a big mistake. Thinking they will leave when they are ready is also a big mistake. Even when the leader says that members can leave anytime they like, this is not true. The members of a cult have tremendous difficulty leaving. They often need help from outside to be able to make that decision.
That means that the family member or friend in a cult needs your help!
This Mind Control Manual will give you the information you need to understand how psychopaths and cults work and how they use mind control to manipulate and pressure people into giving up their time, effort and money for the sake of the manipulators. It also offers lots of ideas about how to deal with such people, and how to go about getting your loved ones out of cults.
There is a 30 day money back guarantee with the Mind Control Manual. If you find the information is not useful, write to me on the contact page and I will happily refund your money!
The Mind Control Manual comes as a .pdf file which you can read on any computer, whether it's a PC or a Mac. (It is not a paper book.) And you can also download it as a .mobi file to read on a Kindle. Of course, if your ebook reader reads other formats, you can simply use your favorite program to change the .pdf into the required format.
What's it worth to you to keep your family member close to you, or to keep your relationship with your friend intact?
When a person is recruited into a cult, their life disappears, literally! They spend their time, effort and money on the group and drift away from their families and friends.
People who get caught by cults often lose years of their life to the cult.
There is no way to get this time back. In many countries there is no legal way of getting compensation from the group or the leader either.
When a person leaves a cult, they may have nothing. They may have to start from scratch. A new job, new relationships, even a new place to live. And all this while trying to undo the detrimental effects of the mind control and deal with the deception they have lived through.
Don't let cults steal any more time from those you love. Or from you!
Read this Mind Control Manual and learn what it's like for your family member or friend in a cult...
The good news is that it costs only €1.99...
You can download the ebook immediately after paying through Paypal, and you can use Paypal even if you don't have an account. Here's how:
My other ebook, 'What Is Narcissism? A practical guide to protecting yourself' sells for €1.99.
Remember that narcissists are the other group (that don't have a conscience) that use the same mind control techniques that are used in cults...
You can read more about it here...
Combined, the price would be €3.98...
You can buy both the Mind Control Manual and What Is Narcissism? for €2.99, a saving of 25%!
€1.99 !!
"I am a little more than half way through your book and I have to say this...
Anyone who is thinking of attending any type of seminar should arm themselves by reading this book first. Be able to go to a seminar with your own personal intentions in mind... and save yourself from being caught up in the desires of the manipulators who want more of your money."
John, USA